Saturday, August 31, 2019

EIF and Fringe 2019, That's a wrap!

I traveled across the the pond to experience EIF and Fringe this year. The Edinburgh International Festival (EIF) is an annual event of performing arts in Scotland. I saw three shows and took in the night walk too. It was nice meeting some of the creative folks for the festival. The shows here are innovative and WTH...let's figure out how to get WYSIWYG here. 😊
2019 Edinburgh Fringe Festival shows I attended

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Adventure Deutschland to the old east Germany and beyond

I spent a week in Deutschland this August with old friends. WTH...It's important to get out and actually live life once in a while. My dad had an expression, "live to work?", "work to live?"; in any case, I have a close friend in Augsburg and he is always ready to take on another adventure. After seeing some local sites around Bavaria we traveled north to Leipzig and Dessau in old East Germany. It was great visiting the area and catching up.

Map of German trip to Leipzig April Alsup in Leipzig

April Alsup in Augsburg Bauhaus in Dessau structure in Leipzig

Friday, August 09, 2019

Creating an online newsroom using a green screen

Putting together the newsroom for an online TV channel with limited resources can be challenging, but WTH...I've been working with green screens for decades and I'm familiar with the plethora of hardware and software needed to make it happen. Fortunately, my apartment has high ceilings.
Green screen studio setup on a budget
I think the question and answer format simplifies the process and allows us to quickly develop a script for each episode. In most cases, our work flow consists of capturing each part separately and bringing it all together in post. Here's our first ReThink Baptist TV episode: The Soul Box Project.