Tuesday, November 12, 2024

New performance packs for BANNED! & Eigg Musicals

It's that time of year again! No not the Holidays... oh but that's good too! No really, it's when music theatre creators put together their latest project packages and submit them to the various festivals and artistic directors looking for new works to perform in the coming year. I have an all new show headed to the Edinburgh Fringe in 2025, but I wanted to make sure and get Eigg (2023) and BANNED! (2024) on the radar for other events around the world looking for great new shows.
BANNED show image for LIVE cast album cover Eigg show image for LIVE cast album cover

Both BANNED! and Eigg the Musical were last performed in Edinburgh and it was pretty easy to take the sound recordings from our performances to create a rudimentary cast album soundtrack to follow along while reading or reviewing our script. The fringe format is 60 minutes, but both these shows can be easily built out to the 90 minute or two act formats. We have everything you need to perform these thrilling new works and please keep your eyes out for upcoming announcements of our 2025 show Absurd Hero.